Plants v/s Algae | Similar and dissimilar characteristics between Algae and Plants


Similar characteristics between algae and plants:

  • Both algae and plants are studied under the same kingdom i.e. Kingdom Plantae.
  • Both algae and plants are autotrophs and can prepare their food from inorganic matter.
  • Photosynthesis is a common phenomenon observed in both algae and plants.
  • Both algae and plants depend on water for the preparation of their food.
  •  The cell structures of algae and plants are very similar to each other. They have organelles like chloroplast, vacuole, nucleus, mitochondria, etc.

Difference between algae and plants.

Algae are thalloid in structure i.e. there are no distinguishable roots, stems, or leaves.

Plants have true roots, stems, and leaves. For this reason, plants are not thalloid in structure.

Algae have no specific vascular tissues like the xylem and phloem.

Most plants have well-developed vascular tissues like the xylem and phloem for the absorption of water and nutrients.

Algae may be uni-cellular or multi-cellular.

Plants are always multi-cellular.

Sex organs in algae mostly are one-celled.

Sex organs in plants are always more than one-celled.

Reproductive cells in algae are not protected by sterile cells.

Reproductive cells are well-protected by sterile cells.

Reproduction in algae is simpler than in plants in the ways of spore formation, conjugation, and vegetative means.

Reproduction systems are not as simple as in algae. Complex systems of mitosis and meiosis take place in a particular pattern.

Algae are found mostly in wet habitats like oceans, lakes, seas, etc.

Mostly found in a terrestrial environment like land.

As algae are found in oceans most are motile (except red algae).

All plants are non-motile.

Like plants, algae also have chlorophyll pigments. The main chlorophyll pigment in algae is chlorophyll a.

Green algae: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b

Brown algae: chlorophyll a and c

Red algae: chlorophyll a and d

The main chlorophyll pigment in plants is chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.

As algae are thalloids in structure the whole body of algae is involved in the absorption of water and other minerals and nutrients.

Plants absorb water through the xylem and nutrients through the phloem.

The presence of flagella is also a main character in algae.

Plant cells have no flagella.

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