Showing posts with the label ScientistShow all
DREB (Dehydration Responsive Element Binding) | A sub-family of Transcriptional Factors
 Francis Crick and James Watson | The introduction of double helix structure of DNA | HISTORY OF GENETICS
 Replication of DNA | Meselson-Stahl experiment |
 Hershey and Chase | Proved that DNA is the Hereditary material | Experiment on Bacteriophage |
 Erwin Chargaff | Chargaff's rule | Experiment Performed By Chargaff
 Oswald Avery, Colin Mcleod, and Maclyn McCarty | history of genetics|
 George Beadle and Edward Tatum | The introduction of one gene one enzyme hypothesis | Experiment
 Barbara McClintock | Discovery of Jumping genes | Experiment
 J. Hammerling | Highlight Importance of Nucleus in his Experiments
 Frederick Griffith | Observed Transfer of Genetic Material