The king walks alone (a story of two lion brothers and a fox) | Walks alone if you want to be a king |

A title image of the story The king walks alone

 The king walks alone

Once a lion lived in a forest with its family. He was the only king of the forest. He was very happy because no human activities are involved in this forest. They had an excess amount of food and a beautiful environment in the forest. Everything was good and he was having a happy life. It’s heaven for him.

One day, his wife birth two baby lions. The lion was very happy about the birth of these two lions. He named these lions Jalaz and Balaq.

Time passes and passes without any resistance and these two lions are moving towards maturity while the father of these two lions were going towards the age of weakness. Death is the biggest reality of this world and now the father lion had some taste of death in his mouth. After some days, the father lion died and now it’s the Jalaz and Balaq's responsibility to hold the kingdom of their father.

One day Jalaz was enjoying the meat of a deer. A fox appears from somewhere and started to watch the Jalaz. The fox noticed Jalaz very closely and decided to become the partner of the Jalaz. When Jalaz finished his food the fox ran and came near to Jalaz. He said to Jalaz “He is a powerful lion and the king of the forest. I never see a hardworking king. If you accept me as a slave then I will be very helpful to you.”

Jalaz asked the fox how he can help him. The fox replies “You run behind the animals. It’s a very difficult task. And the animals like this deer can run very fast. And you run behind these animals just for the sake of food. I never see any king like you.”

The Jalaz asked from the fox “So what should I do?”

The fox said very cleverly “A king is a king, you just give the orders to us, and we must follow your order. And I never see a king like you. This means to say that you are a very powerful and ambitious king. Please allow me to follow your orders.”

Jalaz asked the fox can he killed animals for him.

The fox was waiting for this moment and he said to Jalaz “Oh my king! The most powerful king of the entire forest, you know I am not as stronger as you, I am weak. Please forgive me. But I can trap animals for you and then you with your great powers can kill that animal. There is no need to run behind the animals.”

Jalaz liked Fox and he was feeling himself a real king. The fox, on the other hand, had the arrangement of food and he had no fear of other animals because he got Jalaz for their protection.

The fox helped Jalaz to attack the other animals and get some extra food that was left by Jalaz. This made Jalaz very easy to attack on the animals but also make Jalaz dependent on the fox. This made Jalaz weak.

After a few months, Jalaz met with his brother. His brother saw a fox near Jalaz and continuously followed him. He attacked the fox but Jalaz attacked his brother and saved the fox’s life. His brother was shocked and angry at Jalaz because he was not hoping for this.

The Jalaz said to his brother “I am the only king of this forest and you can’t attack any animal without my permission especially on this fox because he was in my protection.”

The Balaq was not expecting this kind of behavior from his brother. He said to his brother “Are you joking with me? You are a lion’s son, how can you do that?”

The Jalaz said to his brother “I’m the son of the king and I’m the king now. You are my brother that’s why I’m forgiving you. Otherwise, I will kill you because you don’t know how to respect a king.”

The Balaq said to his brother “You are mad but remember one thing I’m going because you are my brother but never do this with me again otherwise you are responsible for the result.” the Balaq moved on to his own way and Jalaz with the fox moved the other way.    

The fox came near to Jalaz and said to him “Your brother is very bad. He has no respect for you. You forgive him, it's your kindness otherwise he must be punished because he does not know how to respect a king.”

The Jalaz said “Don’t worry, I know how to handle him. I am hungry now, we need something to eat.”

The fox saw a deer and told Jalaz that “the food is drinking water”. He came near to deer and told him that he saw a baby deer with a serious problem. We should help him. The fox convinced the deer so well that he agreed to follow the fox. Jalaz was waiting for their meal and he attacked the deer and enjoyed it.

After some days, the animals of the forests realized the relationship between Jalaz and the fox so they were very attentive when seeing one of the both. Jalaz was not so active also because the fox made him dull and lazy. It's very difficult for him to food.

One day Fox saw Balaq, who was eating a giraffe. He told this story to Jalaz and convinced him to take the whole giraffe from his brother. Jalaz went towards his brother and told him, “Give me this giraffe otherwise I will kill you”. after hearing these words from his brother, the Balaq attacked his brother and they both were starting to fight. The Balaq had more muscle strength than his brother so he gave some serious injuries to his brother but not killed him. The fox was seeing the whole situation. He know that Balaq will definitely kill him, so he ran away and moved back.

The Balaq told his brother that, “our father was the king of the forest because he was alone with his family. And now I’m the king because I decided to walk alone but you took help from other animals and this thing made you weak. Now you are not a king because you decided to walk with others and in your bad time, they leave you alone. I’m leaving you because you are the son of my father, you are the son of a king, and it's easy for me to kill a king like you but I am forgiving you because you are my brother, Walk alone if you want to be a king, learn to walk alone”.

Jalaz realized his mistake and felt sorry in front of Balaq. He decided that he will never trust other animals and live like a king, live alone.  


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  1. I'm also a king because I'm alone with my ambitions
